The Department of Mathematics was established in the very first year of the establishment of the University in June 2009 under the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Sciences with one unique postgraduate programme namely M. Sc. Tech. Mathematics of three year duration.  Currently  the Department offers following programme for motivated students interested in pursuing their career in mathematics - either academic or industry:

  • Ph.D. Mathematics
  • Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed. Mathematics
  • M.Sc. Mathematics
  • Integrated M.Sc. in Mathematics.

The Department has attracted faculty with diversified expertise, for example, Complex Dynamics, Operations Research, Geometric Function Theory,  Special Functions, Fluid Dynamics, Magneto-hydrodynamics, Boundary Layer Theory, Bio-Mathematics, Fuzzy Optimization Techniques and Decision Making, Financial Mathematics, Environmental Modeling and Simulations, Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics and Algebra. 



Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics (5 years)

Programme Integrated M.Sc. Mathematics encompasses the basic graduate and post graduate curriculum in mathematics. The course is designed to cover fundamental to advanced level of pure and applied mathematics.  After successful completion of programme, a student find himself as a deep learner, having capability of analysis and applications of mathematical tools and techniques in real world problems, and can start career in academics, research institutions and universities.

Objective of the Program

  • To develop understanding of the mathematical concepts, skills of problem solving and motivation to deep learning of subject.
  • To develop skill of application of mathematical tools and techniques in real life challenging problems, and also in problems faced by industries.
  • To motivate for research in Mathematical Sciences and related area.

Intake: 30

Eligibility: 10 + 2 in Science Stream or equivalent of any recognised board in India with Mathematics as one of the optional subjects having 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for general category and 45% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates.

Admissions: Admission through national level entrance examination CUET test.

Integrated M. Sc. B. Ed. Mathematics (3 years)

Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed. in Mathematics is an unique course offered by the Department of Mathematics in collaboration with Department of Education of Central University of Rajasthan.  The curriculum of programme is designed to cover advanced postgraduate level courses of Pure and Applied Mathematics together with graduate level course of Education including theoretical and practical aspects.  After successful completion of the programme, a student will have expertise in teaching and learning skills with interest in research in Mathematics and Education. The students with this programme having opportunity to start career in academics, research institutions, national/international laboratories, universities and industry.

Objective of the Program:

  • To develop understanding of the mathematical concepts, skills of problem solving and motivation to deep learning of subject.
  • To prepare skilled teacher having understanding of child Psychology and behaviour and having capability of application of mathematical tools and techniques in real life challenging problems.
  • To prepare skilled and motivated teacher for secondary and higher secondary level teaching and develop innovation and research interest in Mathematics and Education.

Intake:  30

Eligibility: B.Sc. or equivalent from any recognised board in India with Mathematics as one of the major/ optional subjects having 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for general category and 45% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates.

Admissions: Admission through national level entrance examination CUET test.

M. Sc. Mathematics (2 years)

This programme blends courses covering theoretical, computational and practical aspects. The core mathematics courses are aimed at building a strong foundation in the subject, the laboratory based courses give the exposure and training in application-oriented practical subjects.

Objective of the Program

  • To prepare student having analytical and practical knowledge to formulate and solve challenging problems.
  • To develop understanding of mathematical concepts, research oriented attitude, skill of application of mathematical, computational tools and techniques in formulation and solution of real world problem.
  • To prepare students having capability and interest to start career in academics, research institutions, national/international laboratories, universities and industry.

Intake: 30​

Eligibility: A candidate must possess the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics with a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized university. For SC/ST candidates B.Sc. degree in Mathematics with a minimum of 45% marks.

Admissions: Admission through national level entrance examination CUET test.

Doctor of Philosophy

Department conducts various research activities both fundamental and applied. The department offers guidance in the fields of research in almost all broad areas of Mathematics leading to Doctor of Philosophy degree of the Central University of Rajasthan. During the programme the research scholars interact with the faculty and students of the parent as well as sister departments and take courses necessary for their research. The weekly seminars of the department help them to come in contact with eminent visiting mathematicians and scientists from India and abroad. The duration of programme is 3-5 years.The aim of the Ph.D. programme is to produce students with high quality research capability and independent thinking in various areas of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.

Career Prospects: After completion of the programme, the scholars get excellent opportunities to join educational and research institutions in India and abroad.

Intake: As per availability of guide

Eligibility: A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree in the subject concerned or in a cognate /allied subject with minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; 5% relaxation in minimum requirement of marks is granted to SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates.

 Admissions: As per clause 5.4 of UGC (minimum Standards and Procedure for award of M. Phil./Ph. D. Degree) regulation, 2016, the admission of candidates shall be by two stage process through:

  • A national level entrance examination CUCET shall be qualifying with qualifying marks as 50%. The syllabus of the Entrance Test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be subject specific.
  • An interview/viva-voce will be organized by the University, when the candidates are required to discuss their research interest/area through a presentation before a duly constituted Department Research Committee.
  • The candidates who are qualified for JRF in UGC/CSIR/DBT national test shall be exempted for appearing in CUET. However, such candidates must register themselves for CUCET followed by personal interview/test to be conducted by the respective department.

Research Fields Available:



Theoretical Computer Science

  • Mathematical Programing and Machining System
  • Complex Analysis
  • Geometric Function Theory
  • Planar Harmonic Mappings
  • Fractional Calculus
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Magneto-hydrodynamics
  • Boundary Layer Theory
  • Bio-Mathematics
  • Dynamical systems
  • Environmental modeling and simulations
  • Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Celestial Mechanics
  • Dynamical systems, and Chaos, Mission Design
  • Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology: Dynamical systems
  • Fuzzy Topology,
  • Group Theory
  • Complex Dynamics
  • Fracture Mechanics
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Operations Research
  • Queueing Theory
  • Automata theory
  • Category Theory
  • Fuzzy Automata Theory



Dr. Anand Kumar

Associate Professor and Head

M.Sc. (B.H.U.), Ph.D. (B.H.U.)


Dr. Asha Kumari Meena

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (IIT Kanpur), Ph.D. (IIT Delhi), Post Doctoral Research Fellow (TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore)


Prof. J.K. Prajapat


M.Sc, Ph.D.



Dr. Jai Prakash Tripathi

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., PhD (IIT Mandi)


Dr. Kamlesh Jangid

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee)



Dr. Ram Kishor

Assistant Professor

B.Sc., M.Sc. (University of Allahabad), B.Ed.(CCS Univ. Meerut), Ph.D. (IIT-ISM, Dhanbad)


Dr. Somnath Ashok Gandal

Assistant Professor

PhD Mathematics (IIT Gandhinagar)


Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (Mathematics and Statistics), CSIR-NET, JRF, Ph.D. (Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad)


Dr. Vipul Kakkar

Assistant Professor

D.Phil. form University of Allahabad, Post Doctoral Fellow at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad


The department has established one computer lab by DST-FIST grant, which has 30 computers, 1 server, 1 photocopier, and networking.  Networking in the computer lab has been completed and all the computers are LAN connected with 02 units of LAN switches. Internet facility is available to all UG, PG and research students. Computer lab, is being used to learn programming in C/C++, FORTARN, PYTHON, R etc. for numerical computation and simulation.

Departmental computer lab as mentioned above has 30 computers. The faculty members and research scholars of department are using Computer lab, for programming in C/C++, FORTARN, PYTHON, R etc. for algebraic as well as numerical computation and simulation. Also, research scholars are reviewing literature and preparing their research articles, progress reports, etc. in this computer lab. Computer lab is also being used by other departments of School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Sciences for course lab and   numerical computation in C/C++, FORTARN, PYTHON, R, etc. 


Research Project


Total support

Funding Agency

Role of Escaping sets in Complex Dynamics

Prof. A. P. Singh/ 

Dr. Ram Kishor

4.82 Lakhs


Investigation of Certain Open Problems in Planar Harmonic Mappings

Prof. Jugal K. Prajapat

6.60 Lakhs


Mathematical and Computational Modelling of below ground nitrogen biogeochemical pathways using systems biology approaches

Dr. Amit Chakraborty

21.14 Lakhs


Libration Orbit Mission Design with perturbations

Dr. Ram Kishor

10.0 Lakhs


Modelling and analysis of the biological control problems: Non-chemical methods in and population and disease control.

Dr. Jai Prakash Tripathi

15.50 Lakhs


Spatiotemporal modelling of Schistosomiasis transmission and control under various demographic and seasonal environments

Dr. Jai Prakash Tripathi

10.0 Lakhs


Doubly Transitive Groups and Generalized Near-Domains

Dr. Vipul Kakkar

10.0 Lakhs


Fuzzy Modeling of Tolerance Automata and Rough Automata

Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav

10.0 Lakhs


Uncertainty Quantification of Two-species BGK Mixtures. Dr. Asha Kumari Meena 10.0 Lakhs UGC
Mutations makes the pandemic worse or better: a mathematical modeling study Dr. Jai Prakash Tripathi 06.0 Lakhs SERB-MATRIX
Achievement Title Attached File

Presently, 11 research projects are running in department with financial support from funding agencies like UGC, SERB, etc. and 3 research projects have been completed recently. The faculties of department having research interests like Complex Dynamics, Operation Research, Geometric Function Theory, Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems, Fuzzy optimization, Financial Mathematics, Celestial Mechanics, Mathematical Ecology, Fuzzy topology, Category theory, Group theory etc. After Dec. 2015, faculties of department have published six Books/Books chapters, 40 international research papers and 5 national research papers. The department emphasis on quality publications and maximum published articles are in SCI/ESCI journals. Department has a Memorandum of Understanding with the department of Mathematics, Gorno Altaisk State University, Russian Federation. In this MOU, both the universities agree to establish academic cooperation for promoting Cultural, Educational and Scientific Exchange. Both the universities had the following agreements:

  • Joint scientific and research projects
  • Exchange of visiting academic staff
  • Exchange of undergraduate, postgraduate and research student,
  • Organization of joint scientific conferences and workshops.

The Department inviting regularly eminent academician to deliver lectures to students and faculty members. Also, department have started a weekly departmental seminar series, under which, faculty and scholars present their research work, followed by a discussion. Department, regularly organizing an annual research fair. Under this research fair, scholars of the departments (also from other departments) presents (oral/poster) their work. To motivate the scholars, best paper presentation and poster presentation are honoured with a certificate.

Publications (Last five years)


  • Maharana S, Prajapat J. K. and Bansal Deepak (2018), Geometric Properties of Wright Functions, Mathematica Bohemica, 143(1): 99-111. (ESCI)
  • Rashid M.,  Bera S., Medvinsky A., Sun G. Q., Li B-L., Chakraborty A. (2018), Adaptive Regulation of Nitrate Transceptor NRT1.1 in Fluctuating Soil Nitrate Conditions, iScience, 2(2): 41-50.
  • Tripathi J. P., Jana D., Tiwari V. (2018), A Beddington–DeAngelis type one-predator two-prey competitive system with help, Nonlinear Dynamics, 93(1): 1-21. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.339)
  • Tripathi J. P., Meghwani S.S., Tyagi S., Abbas S. (2018), Global dynamics and parameter identifiability in a predator-prey interaction model, Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, 5(1): 113-126.
  • Tripathi J. P., Tiwar V. (2018), Book Chapter: A delayed non-autonomous predator-prey model with Crowley-Martin functional response, Accepted, ICMC, 2018, Publisher: Mathematics and Computing, Springer: 164-173.
  • Tripathi J. P., Tiwari V., Abbas, S. (2018), Book Chapter: An ecological model with some applications, Accepted, Publisher: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer: 557-563.
  • Tripathi J.P., Meghwani S.S., Thakur M., Abbas S. (2018), A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey interaction model and parameter identifiability, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 54(1):  331-346. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.181)
  • Tripathi J.P., Meghwani S.S., Thakur M., Abbas S. (2018), Interaction between prey and mutually interfering predator in prey reserve habitat:pattern formation and the Turing-Hopf bifurcation, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Accepted (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.576)
  • Yadav V. K., Yadav S., Tiwari S. P. (2018); On the Relationship between L-fuzzy Closure Spaces and L- fuzzy Rough Sets, In: 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, January 9-11, IIT (BHU), Published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series of Springer." DOI: 13-0023-3_25  Conference Proceeding
  • Tiwari S. P., Yadav V. K., Davvaz, B., Renu (2018), A categorical approach to minimal Realization for a fuzzy language, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 351, 122-137. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.675)
  • S. P. Tiwari, Vijay K. Yadav, Priyanka Pal, B. K. Sharma (2018) Minimal Fuzzy Realization for fuzzy Behaviour: A Bicategory-theoretic Approach, Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 31(1-2), 105-121.
  • Kakkar V., An Example of a Right Loop Admitting Only Discrete Topologization,  National Academy of Sciences Letters (Accepted for the publication) . (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.516)
  • Mishra L. K., Yadav A. C., Kakkar V., On Free Right Loops, National Academy of Sciences Letters (Accepted for the publication) (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.516).
  • Kesari O. P., Gupta V. K., Kumar Anand (2017), Study of Weakly nonlinear Mass transport in Newtonian Fluid with Applied Magnetic Field under Concentration/Gravity modulation, Nonlinear Engineering-Modelling and Application (Accepted for the publication).


  • Sharma D.C., Integral Equations, ISBN: 978-81-203-5280-3, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2017.    
  • Sharma D. C., Jharotia P. (2017), Mathematical Analysis of Machining systems  with Warm Spares and Variable Service Rate,  International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 7(2): 141-157.
  • Maharana S.,  Prajapat J. K., Srivastava H. M. (2017), The radius of convexity of partial sums of convex functions in one direction, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 87(2): 215-219. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.754, Citation: 02)
  • Prajapat J. K., Bulboaca T (2017), Differential subordination for subclasses of analytic functions involving Srivastava-Attiya operator, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 15(3): 655-672. (ESCI)
  • J. K. Prajapat, S. Maharana and Deepak Bansal, Bounds on third Hankel Determinant for certain classes of analytic functions, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 62(2)(2017), 183-195.
  • J. K. Prajapat and A. K. Mishra, Differential subordination and superordination results associated with generalized Hurwitz-Lerch zeta Function, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 57(2)(2017), 233-244.
  • Gupta V. K., Kumar Anand, Singh A. K. (2017), Analytical study of weakly nonlinear mass transfer in rotating fluid layer under time-periodic concentration/gravity modulation, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 97: 22-29. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.163)
  • Vanita, Kumar Anand (2017), Effect of velocity of applied magnetic field on natural convection over ramped type moving inner cylinder with ramped type temperature, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 131-132: 625-632. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.57)
  • Rashid M., Lamba S., Bera S., Medvinsky A., Sun G.Q., Acquiati C., Li B-L., Chakraborty A. (2017), Organization of biogeochemical nitrogen pathways with switch-like adjustment to fluctuating soil redox conditions. Royal Society Open Science 4(1): 160768 (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.504, Citation: 02)
  • Medvinsky A. B., Adamovich B. V., Aliev R. R., Chakraborty A., Lukyanova E. V., Mikheyeya T. M., Nikitina L. V., Nurieva N., Rusakov A., Zhukova T. (2017), Temperature as a factor affecting fluctuations and predictability of the abundance of lake bacterioplankton, Ecological Complexity 32(4): 90-98.  (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.634)
  • Kishor Ram, Kushvah B. S. (2017), Normalization of Hamiltonian and nonlinear stability of the triangular equilibrium points in non-resonance case with perturbations, Astrophysics and Space Science, 362:  15 (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.885)
  • Kishor Ram, Badam S. K. (2017), The Linear Stability of Collinear Equilibrium Points and Resonances, Advances in Astrophysics, 2(1): 52-65.
  • Parshad R. D., Basher A., Jana D., Tripathi J.P. (2017), Do prey handling predators really matters: Subtle effects of Crowley-Martin functional response, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 103(1): 410-421. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.213, Citation: 07)
  • Abbas S., Tripathi, J. P., Neha A. A. (2017), Dynamical analysis of a model of social behavior: Criminal vs Suppressed population, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 98:121-129. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.213, Citation: 03)
  • Tripathi J.P., Abbas S., Thakur M. (2017), Dynamical analysis of a density dependent two prey one predator model with help, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive, Systems (DCDIS) Series B, 24(1): 49-81.
  • Yadav V. K., Yadav S., Dubey M. K. Tiwari S. P. (2017); On Algebraic Characterization   of   IF-Automata, in: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, 23-25 Nov at CURAJ, Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer. DOI:  
  • Yadav V. K., Dubey M. K., Tiwari S. P. (2017), On the category of quantale Semi Modules, In: 2nd    International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, 23-25 Nov. at CURAJ, Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems andComputing (AISC) series of Springer. DOI:
  • Tiwari, S. P., Yadav, V. K., Gautam, V. (2017), On Minimal Fuzzy Realization for a Fuzzy Language: A categorical Approach, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 28: 361-374.  (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.437)
  • Yadav A. C., Kakkar V. (2017); Public key exchange using right transversals and right loops, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 20(5): 1207-1215. (ESCI)
  • Kakkar V., Jain V. K. (2017); Solvable and Nilpotent Right Loops, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica, 9(1): 202-212.


  • Baricz A., Kant S., Prajapat J. K. (2016), Differential subordination and superordination results associated with the Wright function, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 42(6): 1459-1477. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.280, Citation: 02)
  • Maharana S., Prajapat J. K., Bansal D. (2016), Coefficient Bounds for inverse of certain univalent functions, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 8(3): 59-65. (ESCI)
  • Bansal D., Prajapat J. K. (2016), Certain geometric properties of the Mittag-Leffler function, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 61(3): 338-350. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.823, Citation: 17)
  • Mishra A. K., Prajapat J. K., Maharana S. (2016), Bounds on Hankel determinant for starlike and convex functions with respect to symmetric points, Cogent Mathematics, 3: 1160557. (ESCI, Citation: 04)
  • Prajapat J. K., Geometric properties of the Wright functions, J. Rajasthan Acad. Phy. Sci., 15:63-73. (Citation: 01)
  • Vanita, Kumar Anand  (2016), Effect of Radial Magnetic Field on Free Convective Flow over Ramped Velocity Moving Vertical Cylinder with Ramped Type Temperature and Concentration, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9(6); 2855-2864. (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.090)
  • Vanita, Kumar Anand (2016), Effect of radial magnetic field on natural convection flow in alternate conducting vertical concentric annuli with ramped temperature, Engineering Science and Technology, 19(3): 1436-1451. (ESCI, Impact Factor: 2.018)
  • Vanita, Kumar Anand (2016), Numerical study of effect of induced magnetic field on transient natural convection over a vertical cone, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 55 (2): 1211–1223. (ESCI, Impact Factor: 2.33)
  • Kumar Anand, Vanita, Gupta V. K. (2016), Study of heat and mass transport in Couple-Stress liquid under G-jitter effect, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Under printing. (ESCI, Impact Factor: 2.43)
  • Chakraborty A., Mathematical modeling and analysis of methane production and oxidation, ISBN: 978-3-659-83070-9, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2016.
  • Chakraborty A., Modeling plant community ecological interactions in variable environment, ISBN: 978-3-659-90100-3, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2016.
  • Lamba S., Bera S., Rashid M., Chakraborty A. (2016), Species interactions in variable environment: competition, facilitation, and functional niches. In: Sharma D, and Sharma KC ed. Climate change and environment, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, 87-110.
  • Bera S., Lamba S,  Rashid M, Sharma A, Medvinsky A, Acquiati C, Li B-L, Chakraborty A. (2016), Robust regulation of hepatic pericentral amination by glutamate dehydrogenase kinetics, Royal Society Integrative Biology 8(11): 1126-1132. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.294, Citation: 01)
  • Kishor Ram (2016), Linear Stability of Equilibrium Points in the restricted three body problem with Perturbations, Journal of IAPS, 20(1): 1-16.
  • Tripathi J.P., Tyagi S., Abbas S. (2016), Global analysis of a delayed density dependent predator-prey model with Crowley-Martin type functional response, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 30(1-3): 45-69. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.181, Citation: 27)
  • Tripathi, J.P., Abbas S. (2016), Global dynamics of autonomous and nonautonomous SI epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate and feedback controls, Nonlinear Dynamics, 86(1): 337-351. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.339, Citation: 07)
  • Jana D., Tripathi, J.P., Impact of generalist type sexually reproductive top predator interference on the dynamics of a food chain model, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 5(4): 999-1009. (Citation: 07)
  • Tripathi J.P. (2016), Almost periodic solution and global attractivity for a density dependent predator-prey system with mutual interference and Crowley-Martin response function, Differential Equations and, Dynamical Systems, 1-19. (Citation: 05)



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Dist-Ajmer-305817, Rajasthan [INDIA]

: +91-1463-238755