Personal Information
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Sentiment Analysis
- Information Security
- Doctor of Philosophy, Central University of Rajasthan, India
- Master of Technology, NIT-Jalandhar, Punjab, India
- Bachelor of Engineering, University of Rajasthan, India
Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor (2013–present), Department of Computer Science, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer.
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Sentiment Analysis
- Information Security
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | G Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Malika Acharya, K Lokesh | FSTL-SA: few-shot transfer learning for sentiment analysis from facial expressions | Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: IF: 3.6) | Journal | 2024 |
2 | Gaurav Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, K Lokesh | FSTL-SA: few-shot transfer learning for sentiment analysis from facial expressions | Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: IF: 3.6) | Journal | 2019 |
3 | Gaurav Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Sunil Kumar | Monkeypox recognition and prediction from visuals using deep transfer learning-based neural networks | Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: IF: 3.6) | Journal | 2023 |
4 | KK Mohbey, G Meena, S Kumar, K Lokesh | A CNN-LSTM-Based Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis on Monkeypox Tweets | New Generation Computing 1-19. (SCI: IF: 2.6) | Journal | 2022 |
5 | Meena, Gaurav, and Sarika Choudhary | Biometric authentication in internet of things: A conceptual view | Journal of Statistics and Management Systems | Journal | 2023 |
6 | Meena, Gaurav, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, and Ajay Indian | Categorizing Sentiment Polarities in Social Networks Data Using Convolutional Neural Network | SN Computer Science 3.2 (2022): 1-9 | Journal | 2022 |
7 | G Meena, KK Mohbey, A Indian, MZ Khan, S Kumar | Identifying emotions from facial expressions using a deep convolutional neural network-based approach | Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: IF: 3.6) | Journal | 2023 |
8 | Gaurav Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Sunil Kumar, Rahul Kumar Chawda, Sandeep V Gaikwad | Image-Based Sentiment Analysis Using InceptionV3 Transfer Learning Approach | SN Computer Science | Journal | 2022 |
9 | Meena, Gaurav, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, and Ajay Indian | Categorizing Sentiment Polarities in Social Networks Data Using Convolutional Neural Network | SN Computer Science | Journal | 2022 |
10 | Ravi Raj Choudhary, Gaurav Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey | Speech Emotion Based Sentiment Recognition using Deep Neural Networks | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | Journal | 2023 |
11 | Gaurav Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Sunil Kumar, K Lokesh | A hybrid deep learning approach for detecting sentiment polarities and knowledge graph representation on monkeypox tweets | Decision Analytics Journal | Journal | 2020 |
12 | Gaurav Meena, Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Ajay Indian and Sunil Kumar | Sentiment Analysis from Images using VGG19 based Transfer Learning Approach | Procedia Computer Science Volume 204, 2022, Pages 411-418 | Journal | 2023 |
13 | Sarika Choudhary and Gaurav Meena | Internet of Things: Protocols, Applications and Security Issues | Procedia Computer Science Volume 215, 2022, Pages 274-288 | Journal | 2023 |
14 | Gaurav Meena and Krishna Kumar Mohbey | Sentiment analysis on images using different transfer learning models | Procedia Computer Science Volume 218, 2023, Pages 1640-1649 | Journal | 2023 |
15 | Choudhary, Ravi Raj, K. K. Jisnu, and Gaurav Meena | Image DeHazing Using Deep Learning Techniques | Procedia Computer Science | Journal | 2024 |
Fundings From External Agencies
- GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) course on Machine Learning funded by (MHRD, Govt. of India) Sanction Letter No IIT/GIAN/S-17/895 Dated 31/07/2017 INR (8,16,000).
- Two Week FDP for Faculty sanctioned from DST/ICPS/Govt. of India 2019-AI, Sanction Letter No DST/ICPS/SCST/2019/580 Dated 31/03/2019 INR (9,00,000).
- National Level Workshop (three days), Sanctioned by DST/ICPS/Govt. of India workshop019- AI, Sanction Letter No DST/ICPS/SCST/2019/577 Dated 31/03/2019 INR (7,00,000).
Expert Talk, Invited Lectures, or Session Chair
- Gaurav Meena chaired a session on “Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICDLAIR) 2023” at the International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICDLAIR) 2023, organized by NIT Kurukshetra, India, from December 7-9, 2023.
- Gaurav Meena Chaired a Session on “Machine Learning and Application” at the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: COGNITIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT IOT" (ICETCE-2022) organized by SKIT, Jaipur, India from 4th -5th February, 2022.
- Gaurav Meena, Chaired a Session on “Machine Learning and Application” at the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Data Science and Blockchain Technology (ICETCE-2021) organized by SKIT, Jaipur, India from 3-4 February, 2021.
- Gaurav Meena, Delivered an Expert Lecture on “ICT in Research, Teaching Learning (ICTRTL-2020)” sponsored by Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIPIII) organized by Department of Applied Sciences Humanities, Engineering College Ajmer from 7-11 September, 2020.
- Gaurav Meena, Chaired a Session on Sustainable Management at the International Conference SUSCOM-2020 organized at Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India from 20-22 January, 2020. • Gaurav Meena, Chaired a Session on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability at the International Conference SUSCOM-2019 organized at Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India from 26-28 February, 2019.
- Gaurav Meena, Delivered an Expert Talk on “Information Security in Present Scenario ” in two days National Seminar on Statistical Computing for Humanities First Working Group Meeting of SNH(Statistical Network for Humanities) organized by Rajasthan Statistical Association, University of Rajasthan from 16-17 February, 2019.
Seminar/Workshop/FDP Attended
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things (IoT) Applications in Biomedical Instrumentation, Healthcare and Pharma organized by the WOMEN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Ajmer, India from October 12th - 16th, 2020.
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Future Opportunities on Deep Learning organized by the Department of Computer Science, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, India from September 21st - 25th, 2020.
- National Level Two week Faculty Development Program on Ambient Technologies: Stateof-Art, Challenges, and Future Direction organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JUIT (HP), India from July 27th-August 8th, 2020.
- One Week Faculty Development Program on Image Authentication, WSN and IOT organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JIS, WB in Association with CSI Kolkata, India from 22nd June-26th, 2020.
- One week Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) course on “Big Data Analysis and Mining in Deep Web Repositories” conducted by Central University of Rajasthan Ajmer, India from January 08th - 12th, 2018.
- One week Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) course on “Mobile System Security” conducted by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India from November 21st - 25th, 2016.
- One week Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) course on “Internet: Security and Privacy Challenges” conducted by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India from October 24th - 28th, 2016.
- One week Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Recent Trends and Simulators for Wireless Sensor Network” conducted by Government Women Engineering College, Ajmer from October 17th - 22nd, 2016.
- Three days faculty development programme on “Network Simulation & Related Technologies” using NetSIM conducted by DELLSOFT Technologies during October 12th – 14th, 2016.
- Two week Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) course on “Global Human Resources Management” conducted by Central University of Rajasthan Ajmer, India from August 29th - September 9th, 2018.
- Four weeks Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on use of “ICT in Education for online and Blended Learning” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from May 2nd – July 10th, 2016.
- Three days National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology (NIWC-16) conducted by Department of Computer Science, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer during April 6th -8th , 2016.
- One week National Workshop on “Mathematical Modelling and Simulation” conducted by Department of Mathematics,Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer from March 14th-18th, 2016.
- Four days workshop on “Machine Learning” conducted by Department of Computer Science, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer from January 23rd -26th, 2016.
- One week National Workshop on “Machine Learning and Data Analytics” conducted by Government Women Engineering College, Ajmer from January 14th-18th, 2016.
- Three week UGC Sponsored Refresher Programme conducted by Guru Jambheshwar University Of Science & Technology, Hisar (Haryana), India from 05th -24th November, 2015.
- Workshop on “Big Data and Advanced Video” was organized on June 29 – 3rd July, 2015, under the TEQIP-II organized by Department of Computer Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat.
- One Week Workshop on “Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms” was organized on May 25 - 30, 2015, T10KT programme of National Mission of Education through ICT, MHRD at Central University of Rajasthan.
- Two-week ISTE workshop on “Cyber Security” Conducted by IIT Bombay under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. Of India) at Central University of Rajasthan, India from 10th -20th July, 2014.
- Two-week ISTE workshop on “Computer Programming” Conducted by IIT Bombay under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. Of India) at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India from 21st -26th April, 2014.
- One Month UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme conducted by Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur at Central University of Rajasthan, India from 16th December 2013 to 11th January 2014.
- Two-week AICTE sponsored winter school on “Cloud Computing” Conducted by Computer Science Department at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh, India from 11th-22nd November 2013.
Two Week Faculty Development Program on "Deep Learning in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition" (funded by DST, ICPS, Govt. of India) at Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer from March 13–22, 2023.
Three-day National Workshop on "Securing the Smart Cities with the Internet of Things (IoT) and BlockChain," funded by (DST, ICPS, Govt. of India) at Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, from March 5–7, 2020.
Two-week Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) course on “Machine Learning” funded by (MHRD, Govt. of India) at Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, India, from 30th October – 11th November 2017.
The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2017), Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, India, as a committee member from November 23–25, 2017.
Two-week ISTE Workshop on Computer Programming Conducted by IIT Bombay under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at Central University of Rajasthan from June 16th–21st, 2014. •
Two-day’s Workshop on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security” conducted by I3Indya Technologies at Central University of Rajasthan from January 21–22, 2014.
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