Personal Information
- Marketing
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behavior
- General Management
- Ph.D. Awarded in Faculty of Management on the Topic “Legal Environment Of Business And its Effectiveness” (A Study Of Selected Acts With Special Reference To Promotion And Difficulties) from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2002
- M.Com. (Business Administration) From Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2000
- M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) from Guru Ghasidas University (Central University), Bilaspur, 1997.
- B.Com. (Business Administration) From Jiwaji University, Gwalior in the Year 1995.
- Ph.D. Awarded in Faculty of Management on the Topic “Legal Environment Of Business And its Effectiveness” (A Study Of Selected Acts With Special Reference To Promotion And Difficulties) from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2002
Research Guidance ( Ph.D. awarded under supervision )
- Ph.D. awarded to Manoj Singh Gurjar on the title “A Study Of Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry in Selected District Of Madhya Pradesh” in Faculty of Management From Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2015.
- Ph.D. awarded to Jatinder Loomba on the title “Event Impact And Return-Volume Dependence-A Study Of Indian Equity Market” in Faculty of Management from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2015.
- Ph.D. awarded to Shilpi Verma on the title “A Study of Labour Law Reforms And Organizational Effectiveness” in Faculty of Management from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2016.
- Ph.D. awarded to Pooja Sharma on the title “The Effect of Labour Welfare on Employee Commitment in Manufacturing Industry”, in Faculty of Management from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2016.
- Ph.D. awarded to Pooja Sharma on the title “An Evaluation of Training Function in Selected Public Sector Insurance Companies”,in Faculty of Management from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2017.
- Ph.D. awarded to Rupesh Pallav on the title “Adoption of Telecom Services in rural areas : A study of public and private sector” in Faculty of Management from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2
Details of Research Scholars under Supervision in Central University of Rajasthan | ||||
S.No. | Enrolment No. | Name | Date of registration | Title of Research |
1 | 2017PHDCOM001 | Hansa | August 04, 2017 | GST impact on CPI and Public Perception in India |
2 | 2017PHDCOM002 | Pooja Yadav | August 07, 2017 | Evaluation of Selected Mutual fund Schemes in India: An Empirical Analysis |
3 | 2018PHDCOM001 | Garima Khangarot | July 18, 2018 | A Study of Promotional Strategies and Policies for Sustainable Tourism in Rajasthan: An Empirical Analysis. |
4 | 2018PHDCOM003 | Priyanka Meena | July 20, 2018 | Customer Relationship Management: Magnifying, Measuring, and Managing- An Empirical Analysis of Public and Private Insurance Companies. |
5 | 2019PHDCOM001 | Mrityunjay Sahu | August 07, 2019 | An Analytical Study of National Output, Employment, and Foreign Trade of India: Evidence from the Structure of Manufacturing Industry Sector |
6 | 2019PHDCOM004 | Santroop tanwar | August 06, 2019 | Antecedents of Trust in Affiliate Marketing: A Study of Consumer's Behaviour in Travel Industry |
7 | 20219PHDCOM005 | Sheetal | August 06, 2019 | A Study on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in the Survival of Startup: With Special Reference to Jaipur City of Rajasthan |
8 | 2020PHDCOM003 | Shubham Pandey | December 26, 2020 | An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Practices and Rural Development: A Study of Select Districts of Rajasthan (Tentative) |
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Yadav, P. & amp; Sahu, P. | Burden of Unpaid Care Work: An Indirect Strike on Women’s Rights. | Utkal Research Journal, 34 (XVIII), 51-55. ISSN: 0976-2132, UGC Care Listed. | Journal | 2021 |
2 | Sahu Praveen and Meena Priyanka | “Customer Relationship Management Research from 2000 to 2020: An Academic Literature Review and Classification”. | Vision : The Journal of Business Perspective, Volume 25, Issue 2, June 2021, Page Nos. 136-158. | Journal | 2020 |
3 | Sahu Praveen and Meena Priyanka | “Electronic Customer Relationship Management Practices in Insurance Industry: Consequences and Challenges”. | Shodh Sarita- An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Bilingual Peer Reviewed Referred Research Journal, Volume 7, Issue 28, October-December 2020, Page Nos. 174-179. | Journal | 2020 |
4 | Sahu Praveen and Yadav Pooja | “Evaluating Performance of Selected Diversified Equity Schemes for Indian Mutual Fund Industry”. | Journal of Xidian University, 14(6), 3250-3258. ISSN 1001-2400. | Journal | 2020 |
5 | Sahu Praveen and Yadav Pooja | “Performance & Risk Return Analysis of Mutual Fund Schemes: An investment Approach”. | Journal of Xidian University, 14(7), 1558-1569. ISSN 1001-2400. | Journal | 2020 |
6 | Sahu Praveen and Khangarot Garima | “Agro-Tourism: A Dimension of Sustainable Tourism Development in Rajasthan”. | The Journal of Indian Management and Strategy, 24(4), 21-26. ISSN 0973-9335. | Journal | 2019 |
7 | Sahu Praveen | “A Study of Globalization and its Impact on Economy”, | International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6(5), page no. 78-81, Impact Factor 5.87. | Journal | 2019 |
8 | Sahu Praveen | “Green Marketing and sustainable marketing strategy: A study of selected organization”, | International Journal of Research and Analytical Review. 5(3), page no. 146-153. Impact Factor 5.75. | Journal | 2018 |
9 | Sahu Praveen | “Crowd Funding: Financial Management for small enterprise businesses in India”, | Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 3(11), page no. 383-386. Impact Factor 5.24. | Journal | 2018 |
10 | Sahu Praveen | “Emerging Trends in Commerce and Management Education in India”, | International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, page no. 328-335, 8(12). Impact Factor 5.86. | Journal | 2018 |
11 | • H., & Sahu, P. | Fairness dimension of goods and services tax: Evidence from Indian MSMEs. | International Journal of Accounting, Business and Finance, | Journal | 2021 |
12 | Yadav, P & Sahu, P | Critical Evaluation of Selected Equity Diversified Schemes: A Study of Indian Mutual Fund Industry | Utkal Historical ResearchJournal, 34(XVIII), 51-55. (ISSN: 0976-2132) | Journal | 2021 |
13 | Yadav, P. & Sahu, P. | SEBI standard norms on Mutual Fund portfolio and its impact on the efficiency of human capital in the COVID-19 epidemic | Resurgence of Indian Economy: Financial Resilience and Sustainability | Journal | 2022 |
14 | H.& Sahu, P. | Goods and Services Tax Measures For Reviving India With Fiscal Resilience: A Post Covid Study | Resurgence Of Indian Economy: Financial Resilience And Sustainability | Journal | 2022 |
15 | Meena, P., Sahu, P., Soni, A. & Meena, A. K. | A Pilot Study of Service Quality Variables in the Insurance Companies | South India Journal Of Social Sciences | Journal | 2022 |
16 | Sahoo, M., & Sahu, P | An Analytical Study of National Output, Employment, and Foreign Trade of India: Evidence from the Past Three Decades of Neoliberal Reforms | InternationJournal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) | Journal | 2022 |
17 | Sahoo, M., & Sahu, P | An Empirical Study of National Output, Capital Formation, and Foreign Trade of India: Evidence from the Manufacturing and Construction Industry Sector. | Functional Trends in Commerce and Management Research Challenges and prospects | Other | 2022 |
18 | Sahu, P., & Khangarot, G | Understanding the role of tourism policies in the development of Rajasthan. | Asian Journal of Management and Commerce | Journal | 2022 |
19 | • Sahu, P., Pandey, S., & Kumari, V | Impact of Covid-19 on Indian MSMEs: A road towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ | Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship | Journal | 2022 |
20 | • Sheetal, & Sahu, P | A Descriptive Study on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems from the Lenses of Jaipur Based Startups | International Journal of Information Technology and Management | Journal | 2023 |
21 | • Sahu, P., & Khangarot, G | Identifying and developing sustainable heritage tourism indicators | Third Concept | Journal | 2022 |
Completed Research Project sponsored by University Grants Commission Central Regional Office Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), on the topic “Prospects of Professional education In Sheopur District”.
- Presented & Published A Research Paper On “Human Resource Management” In The National Conference On “Human Resource Development in Present Scenario” organized and sponsored by UGC, Bhopal held at Govt. P.G. College, Shivpuri, M.P during February 18-20, 2000.
- Participated & Presented a Paper entitled “Corporate Governance” in the 18th National Conference organized by Indian Public Administration Association held At S.O.S. in Political Science & Public Administration, Jiwaji University, Gwalior during November 17-18, 2002.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Agricultural Marketing: Role Of M. P. State Cooperative Marketing Federation” in the All India Commerce & Management Conference organized by K.C.E. Society’s Institute of Management and Research, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon during December 25-27, 2003.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Tourism Industry in MP: An Appraisal of Promotional Activities” in the National Seminar on “ Emerging Trends in Tourism” organized by Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India) held during February 9-10, 2004.
- Participated and Presented a paper entitled “Attitude of Retailers in Gwalior City towards Colgate Toothpaste” in the National Seminar on“Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Commerce and Business Management” organized by Accounting Association, Gwalior held during October 27-28, 2007.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Applicability of (AS) 22 in the situations of tax holiday under sections 80 –IA & 80-IB” in the National Seminar on “Tax Reforms in India” sponsored by UGC, New Delhi and organized by Department of Commerce, Dr. H. S. Gaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, MP held during January 19-20, 2008.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Russia’s Strategic interest in Central Asian region” in the International Seminar on “India – Central Asia: Renewal of Historical Cultural Ties on a New Basis in the Contemporary Context” organized by Centre of Central Asian Studies, Jiwaji University, Gwalior held during March 9-11, 2008.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Rural Retailing – Challenges and Opportunities” in the National Seminar on “ Emerging Business Practices in India” organized by Institute of Commerce & Management, Jiwaji University, Gwalior held on March 27, 2008.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “DeMarketing : Application in unselling” in National seminar on Key Drivers of Organizational Excellence organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior during March 29-30, 2008.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Prospects and Distance of Open Learning Education for Service Class Society” organized by Gwalior Regional center, M.P. Bhoj open University on a seminar “The Emerging Scenario of Satellite Based Distance and open learning Education” held on March 30-31, 2008.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “A study of Buying Behavior of Consumers towards life Insurance policies” in 3rd National Research Conference on “Current Human Resource & Marketing Issues : Impacting Sunrise Sectors in India” organized by All India Management Association, held on September 13, 2008 at New Delhi.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “A study of status of human rights of Sahariya tribe:- A study of Shivpuri – Distt.” in training and workshop Sponsored by : NHRC, New Delhi organized by SOS in Political Science & Public Administration, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, March, 2009.
- Participated in 8th National Case Writing Workshop organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior during March 2 to 4, 2009.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Democracy in India : Challenges Ahead” in national seminar of “Democracy in India” held at School of studies in political Science & Public administration, Jiwaji University, Gwalior(M.P.) held on March 21-22, 2009.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Career Expectation of Management Students:
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled“ Investment patterns of Tax Payee with reference to Taxable Income.” in XXXII All India Accounting Conference & International Seminar on “Accounting Education and Research” organized by Indian Accounting Association(Gwalior Branch) in association with Institute of Commerce and Management, Jiwaji University, Gwalior held on November 14-15, 2009.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “ Global warming and its impact” in a national seminar on “Impact of Human Activities on Environment” sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal organized by Department of Botany, Govt. PG College , Sheopur, 2010.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy” in a national seminar on “Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture & Industrial development” sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal organized by Department of Economics, Govt. PG College , Sheopur on 4th&5thDec, 2010
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Emerging Trends in Management Education” in National seminar on “Emerging Trends in Commerce & Management Education” sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal organized by P.G. Department of Commerce & Management, Govt.P.G. College, Sheopur, March 12-13,2011
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Retail Marketing-Prospects &Challenges- A study of retail stores in India” in National seminar on “Retail Marketing-Prospects & Challenges” organized by Department of Commerce, Maharaja Mansingh College, Gwalior (M.P.), 10-11 September,2011 sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Strategy of Tribal development (with reference to Madhya Pradesh)” in National Seminar on “Sustainable Economic Development of Tribes” organized by Department of Commerce, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, M.P., 2012.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Management Education: Issues, Challenges and opportunities.” in National Seminar on “Emerging Trends of management in Present Economic Scenario” sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal, organized by Department of Commerce & Management, Madhav Mahavidhyalaya, Gwalior(M.P.), March 17-18, 2012.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Women Empowerment : With special reference to Gwalior & Chambal region of MP” in National conference on Awareness & training program organized by School of Studies in Political science & Public Administration, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2012.
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Corruption & Black Money in India-An Analysis” in National Seminar on “ Indian Parliamentary Democracy : Corruption and Black Money – A Challenge “ sponsored by UGC, CRO, Bhopal organized by Govt. P.G. College, Sheopur, 2012
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Adaptation of management control system at various level of Human resource management” in 3rd PIMG International conference on “Transformation and survival of business organizations: Challenges and opportunities”. Dec.28-30, 2011 Organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior
- Participated and Presented a Paper entitled “Effective communication at workplace for motivation, performance and success” In AICTE sponsored national seminar on “Foreign Direct Investment in Retail sector” organized by Management department of BVM College of Management Education, Gwalior, on 18-19, 2013.
- Participated and Presented a paper entitled “E- Governance in India- An analysis of problems and challenges” in UGC sponsored national seminar on “E-Governance in economic development : challenges and prospects”. Organized by Maharaja Man Singh College, Gwalior.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Importance Of IQAC In Higher Education, Under IQAC Cell Of Government College” In IQAC Cell Govt. P.G.College, Sheopur, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Pros And Cons Of FDI In Multi-Brand Retailing In India”, UGC Sponsored National Seminar Organized By V.S.Govt.P.G.College,Dabra, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “ROLE OF FMCG PRODUCTS IN RETAIL BUSINESS”, AICTE Sponsored National Conference National Seminar Organized By BVM College Of Management, Gwalior, 2015.
- Resource Person In National Research Methodology Workshop”, BVM College Of Management, Gwalior, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Role Of FMGC Products In Retail Business”, AICTE Sponsored National Conference National Seminar Organized By BVM College Of Management, Gwalior, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Role of Micro Finance in Economic Development : A study of Gwalior Region”, National Seminar on emerging issues in Commerce and Management, Madhav Art and Commerce College, Indian Accounting Association, Gwalior Branch, 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management, National Seminar on recent trends in Commerce and Management Govt. KRG Post Graduate College, Gwalior, 2016
- Resource Person in Career Management Workshop organized by Vrinda Sahay Govt. P.G.College, Dabra, Gwalior, 2016.
- Resource Person for Extension Lecture under UGC NAAC Grant in Govt. M.L.B. College of Excellence, Gwalior, 2016.
- Resource Person in National Conference on Make in India organized by B.V.M. College of Management, Gwalior, 2017.
- Session Chaired. “Emergence of New Business Practices for Growth, Competitiveness and Innovation” at 11th International Conference organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, December 2019.
- Key Note Speaker. “CORONA Calamity: Its Social and Economic Consequences on India” at National Webinar organized by DAV PG College, BHU, Varanasi, April 2020.
- Invited Lecture. “Impact of COVID 19 on the Indian Economy” at National Webinar organized by Dept. of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab, Bhatinda, May 2020.
- Resource person in National webinar on “Before and after effects of covid-19 on Indian economy in context of e-commerce” Feb 10,2021 at Govt. degree college, Damoh, Department of Higher education, Madhya Pradesh
- Resource person in AICTE training and Leadership (ATAL) Academy online elementary FDP on “Strategic planning and implementation in digital era from 04.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 at Central University of Punjab, sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi
- Participated and attended UGC- Approved Short-Term Professional Development Programme on "Implementation of NEP2020 held from 09-17 September, 2022, organised by IGNOU.
- Key note speaker in the National conference "Start up India:opportunities and Challenges" organised by Department of Commerce, Govt. Lead College, sheopur, M.P. on 10.02.2023.
- Key note speaker in National Conference on "Organisational Responsibility and Accountability: An Ethical Challenge" organised by B V M College of Management Education, Jiwaji University , Gwalior on 26 Feb 2023.
- Organized National Seminar on Emerging trands in Commerce and Management, Sponsored by UGC at Govt. P.G. College, Sheopur (M.P.)
- Organized National Seminar on Foraign Direct investment, Sponsored by UGC at Govt. P.G. College, Dabra Gwalior (M.P.)
- Organised Entrepreneurial Startup Plans for the Entreprenurial Development for the M.Com.
- Organized Virtual International Conference on "Innovative Practices in Commerce and Management during Pandemic Era" at Central University of Rajasthan
- Organised National Webinar on “Strategy of Managing Personal Finance Including Mutual Funds During and After COVID-19” Organised by Department of Commerce, Central University of Rajasthan in association with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) & Association of Mutual Fund in India (AMFI).
- Organised Interactive Talk on “Investment in Financial Securities: Risk Management and Opportunities”.
- Organised Interactive Talk on “Stress Management”.
- Organised Interactive Talk on “Learning the art of Time Management”.
- Organised International Virtual conference in Department of Commerce Central University of Rajasthan.
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Prof. (Dr.) Praveen Sahu Head, Department of Commerce, Ex-Dean, School of Commerce and Management, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, Dist.-Ajmer, Rajasthan. E-mail Id:, No. - 09425122298 Prof | ![]() |